Today I think about the day we got engaged and even before that, how our lives crossed paths just 5 months prior to that, and all the behind-the-scenes work God was doing in our lives, not just to bring us together but to hone and shape our characters/lives/plans. God has given me many waiting seasons in life and has answered “not yet” more than a few times, and through it I have grown — in patience, trust, and my edges aren’t quite as rough as they used to be. ;) At just 30 I know I still have many lessons to learn, but I also know I’ve experienced much and God has been gracious, to me.
Some of the blessings to name today are:
My husband Doug - we’re approaching 2 years of marriage in a few months.
Our baby growing in my womb - almost 27 weeks along.
The little white house we call home.
Good health.
Tasty, healthy food each day.
Job + ministry opportunities.
Our Wednesday Fellowship dinners.
Sola progress.
Establishing (and sticking with) exercise routines.
Music to enjoy.
Family devotions and reading times.
Blueberries and zucchini from church-friends.
Watching Andy Griffith.
Family time, visits!
Grace and mercy each day from the Lord!
A few recent and older pictures: