Proud of my husband as he recently finished 1 year of his internship to be a pastor and successfully passed the exam for pastoral ordination in the reformed presbyterian church. We hope to be full-time in Christian ministry together and begin our Sola Retreat center in the next couple years. We will likely maintain other work as well: part-time nursing for me and part-time pastorate for Doug. We desire to always have an open and hospitable home and serve others well. I am thankful to have Doug as my life-partner, hiking buddy, leader of our home, and my husband. Life certainly is not easy, but we have much to be thankful for each day even amidst the many challenges we're facing.
Also, we're coming right up on our first wedding anniversary next week (Oct 22)!
Soli Deo Gloria.
(P.s. No, we did not get kittens... those are Mike's - Doug's twin brother's in August.)