These are some highlights from the first week of California livin'. We picked blueberries last week and played on that super fun huge teeter totter (even sister and I got on it!!) and we set up my tent in the backyard and the kiddos had several days of fun pretending to be doggies in it.
It's still sinking in that this is home for me now. Yesterday I had some twinges of homesickness... Just missing other family back in MI and dear friends faraway. But I am LOVING being HERE. Just enjoying summer with sister and the kiddos, and bro-in-law too. Eating up the chaos and fun (most of the time anyway) - takes me back to my days at TLC orphanage though on a smaller scale. ;-) I've been doing some reading and exercising, collecting eggs from the chickens, helping with laundry + dishes (two of my favorite chores), taking walks with Scout (their puppy dog), and even starting to make a couple new friends here.
All for now.