Thursday, October 1, 2015

11 months.

WEll it's been 11 months since last posting here... so many changes in life - many I did not anticipate. some good, some bad/hard. -broken hearted from a break-up I did not expect. But God brings healing and is healing my heart. -I transitioned to the Labor/Delivery unit last December! It's been a huge learning curve. -after praying for 3 years for the Lord to provide a baby (bio) for Charis and Greg - He did! Ephraim was born August 14, 2015. God is so faithful. -before I even began praying for housing after my lease ended in May, I had housing lined up! My roommate and I moved homes May 23rd, 2015. We are settled in and it's beginning to feel like home. I may add more things to this list as I remember other changes, but these are the main ones.